Il Coordinamento Toscano Marginalità è impegnato a livello europeo in numerosi progetti di formazione e di scambio:
Dal 22 al 25 gennaio 2025, le amministratrici del consorzio EAPN-Latvia Laila Balga e Olga Borisova hanno partecipato a una visita di preparazione alla mobilità a Firenze, in Italia. Insieme al partner Coordinamento Toscano Marginalita (direttore Jacopo Lascialfari), il gruppo di lavoro ha firmato un contratto e approvato un piano per il job shadowing delle ONG in strutture di accoglienza, centri sociali e istituzioni mediche a Firenze, che si svolgerà tra il 23 febbraio e il 2 marzo.

Civil society organizations from BOSS partner countries have established a quality framework for fighting against poverty and social exclusion, are the most familiar with the needs of their target groups and have an understanding of gender equality issues. However, the influence of these organizations regarding the promotion of social security across Europe is insufficient due to the lack of a strengthened cooperation network. The poverty reduction target through the social inclusion policies of the European Strategy 2020 and the national reform programs has not been achieved. The leading staff from the BOSS organizations have the need for the new knowledge and understanding in the field of social inclusion related to the new targets set in the European Union, which are reflected in the Annual Convention “Social Europe post 2020”, European Pillar of Social Rights, Agenda 2030, Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, Nordic and national programs.
Partners have set the following OBJECTIVES:
1) to establish a cooperation network of European organizations for the promotion of social security and to strategically strengthen the capacity of this Network;
2) to promote the BOSS partners’, stakeholders’, the non-governmental sector’s and the general public’s understanding of the BOSS network’s tasks by ensuring the availability of relevant information;
3) to increase the knowledge of BOSS partner organizations’ employees and volunteer leaders about the social inclusion strategies;
4) to ensure the exchange of experience for the BOSS partner organizations’ employees and volunteers on the possibilities of implementing social rights and gender equality.

The project aims at creating a strategic partnership for vocational education and training of professionals working with homeless and refugees with a special focus on the most deprived and severely mentally ill.
It will try to identify pathways that improve professionals abilities to listen and understand their voice and needs, and also to design and propose more adequate answers that increase their physical and psychical wellbeing as well as their dignity and access to rights.
The projects intends to build an international network of professionals working with homeless and refugees with mental health problems in different kinds of organizations and countries, to promote workshops based on the presentation and discussions of cases studies, in order to identify difficulties and good practices, and also aims at producing in the end training tools that can be shared and spread among other professionals in each country
- WHY despite increasing the number and diversity of services offered, despite professionalism and important training for workers, despite increasing social and health budget, especially in many metropolis, a certain number of homeless & mentally ill people – seemed – preferred to stay on the street rather than accept the solution offered by the services ?
- Are the interventions integrate social & health, coherent with real request of person in need, respectful of the dignity, accessible to marginalized and excluded people everywhere they are, congruent and sustainable?
- Are sufficient and adequate services in emergency centers?
To identify models and good practices to facilitate ACCESS of homeless people to SERVICES and to enable social and health workers, of public and private sectors to meet Homeless Mentally Ill People where they are.
The Dignity and Well-being (D-&-WB) SMES project to address especially at those workers who are particularly confronted with people living on the margins, with complex social & health problems and needs.
The project propose these specific objectives:
- Promote and facilitate networking and a great collaboration among the workers of Institutions, Organizations, Associations involved in the ‘extreme precariousness’ field, in order to achieve effective synergies and transform the different daily practices into effective networking models.
- Building the capacities of each participant, through international and intersectoral exchanges, through study’s visits, workshops promoting listening and confrontation about the differences both of the problems and of the methodologies and adequate and efficient answers to be adapted
- Identify efficient and innovative services and structures able to prevent the chronicity of problems sometimes only social or health problems, recommending absolute priorities both in terms of prevention and sustainability.
- Involve all civil society: politicians, administrators, citizens and media, because this is a structural problem of society and not only and specific for professional workers .
- Life-long learning: taking advantage of this opportunity to continue in this initiative by fostering the progressive establishment of a network that aims at continue even after the project has been completed.

Improving the competencies of NGO educators for social inclusion

NGO Competence will be implemented over a 18-month period by five non-governmental organisations from European countries. The approved funding of the Erasmus+ program is 60000 EUR.
1) to strengthen the partners’ capacity as the NGO networks by providing a network with educators who have gained access to international non-formal adult education programs;
2) to promote the partners’ NGO network member organizations’ educators’ inclusion in local and international training activities, thus actively strengthening the European dimension.
Planned results
1) increased quality of the partners’ (NGO network’s) work and methods by attracting trained educators, incl. those with limited opportunities;
2) developed capacity of the partners’ (NGO network’s) inexperienced member organizations for operating at the international level and in the field related to the objectives of these organizations;
3) increased the knowledge of the partners’ (NGO network’s) inexperienced member organizations’ educators (incl. those with limited opportunities to 60%) about social inclusion, gender equality, innovations, the digital environment and advocacy, based on the common needs;
4) promoted changes in the understanding and experience of the partners’ own (NGO network’s) less experienced member organizations’ educators (incl. those with limited opportunities), by ensuring their participation in local and international training and educational events.
Target group
NGO educators from the partner organizations’ networks: staff, experts, volunteers (lecturers, consultants, moderators, etc.)
NGO educators are of different ages, different nationalities, both genders, immigrants, people with disabilities, low-income workers, seniors, with low education level, from contry-side, parents of the large family, etc.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.